Saturday 9 September 2017

Geometric Chess - 几何棋 - 幾何チェス - Геометрические шахматы - Cờ hình học

* Geometric Chess is an interactive fighting game for 1 player with the computer or 2 players.
Geometric chess is a perfect game that helps develop I.Q  ( IQmax ).
* Geometric Chess is in line with the style of Freedom, the DYNAMIC personality of modern people.
* Geometric Chess enhances the intelligence, creativity of the players without over-emphasizing the experience factor.
* Geometric Chess is available in two versions, easy to play, risky, highly entertaining and age appropriate.
* Geometric Chess game including:

    GEOMETRIC CHESS FREE :  Full 2 versions are simple geometric chess and standard geometric chess.




Friday 8 September 2017


   With a simple geometric chess, players have many ways to declare a game. Here we briefly introduce 12 beginning moves for your reference. In all these cases, if the side making late move has a proper response, the side making previous move can not create the advantage of the score from the beginning.

1. Move piece 5 to position E5 (Figure 01).

   With the opening of this red side, if the black side does not have a reasonable move, then in the next move, the red side can move piece 5 to position F5 or D5 to create a straight line 4-5-6. The red side can also move piece 5 to position B5 or H5 to create a 4-5-6 triangle.

Figure 01

Thursday 7 September 2017


   There are many ways to start a standard geometric chess, here we temporarily introduce 12 beginning moves to help you get more reference information while playing chess. In all cases if the side making the late move knows how to deal with it, the side making the previous move can not make advantage of the score from the beginning move.

 1. Move Axis piece to position B5 (Figure 01).

Figure 01


    Please note that here we only display the basic layouts and the calculation of points must depend on which side making the last move to create and correlate the number of pieces involved in the layout (according to the rules of the game). There is no mention of polymorphic layout here.

  1. Straight line layout using the Axis piece (H.01).

* 1 Axis piece + 2 Point pieces
* 1 Axis piece + 3 Point pieces
* 1 Axis piece + 4 Point pieces
* 2 Axis pieces + 1 Point pieces
* 2 Axis pieces + 2 Point pieces
* 2 Axis pieces + 3 Point pieces
* 2 Axis pieces + 4 Point pieces

 (Axis piece position may be at the beginning, the end or in the middle of the segment, the Point pieces may be swapped. Straight lines may lie on the vertical axis or horizontal axis of the chessboard). 

Figure 01


1. Chess pieces and symbols
2. Cases of scoring
3. Some notes
4. Chess playing results
5. Prelimittary introdution of 12 beginning moves in Simple geometric chess
   The simple geometric chess is a standardized version of the standard geometric chess, in which the geometric meanings of the chess pieces are removed and replaced by simple numbers while the form of playing remains unchanged.

        1. Chess pieces and symbols

   Each side has 9 chess pieces with a value from 1 to 9, which can be combined with the standard geometric chess into a set of double chess pieces. In addition to the nine chess pieces to play, there is an additional chess piece, called Bien piece, as in the standard geometric chess. The original chess pieces are arranged as shown in Figure 2.1.

   Fig 2.1:  Layout of chess pieces on the simple geometric chess board



1. Definitions of chess pieces and symbols
2. Cases of scoring
3. Some notes
4. Chess playing results
5. Statistics of basic layputs in the standard geometric chess
6. Prelimittary introdution of 12 beginning moves in Standard geometric chess
  1. Definitions of chess pieces and symbols

   Each side has nine pieces and one Bien piece, originally arranged on the chessboard as shown in Figure 3.1.
   * In the geometric chess, when placing a piece in a small square, we understand that the center of the chess piece always coincides with the center of the square.
   The center of each square always exists but it is only determined when there is a piece in that square.
   * In the standard geometric chess, most chess pieces have no fixed "geometric value" that they have a highly customizable character.
  * After performing a certain move, the chess player has the right to choose the appropriate "geometric values" to assign to the chess pieces (both its pieces and the competitor’s pieces) in order to reach a target as given. Chess players can choose different values ​​to assign to each chess piece. These temporary "values" only exist momentarily, when the competitor moves to the new move, they have the right to change the appropriate values ​​according to the specific conditions of layout.

   Fig 3.1: Layout of chess pieces on the standard geometric chess board